Marcin Gliński

software engineer, musican wannabe

Introduction to the blog


  • misc

The blog is finally setup and running. Under the hood the software I use is Pelican to generate static HTML files from articles written in Markdown/RST format. Everything is hosted as a Github pages feature configured to support my custom domain. Time for introduction!

Who am I

As the header states my name is Marcin Gliński. I'm a software engineer working in a mobile company in projects related to Android and audio processing. The topics related to my work probably won't show up much often here as I'm not sure how far can I go with NDA.

In my non-professional time I learn and discover various fields of game design and development. Currently I am in the middle of preparing a toy-engine, written mostly for learning purposes, to be open sourced. If the time is right I participate in Ludum Dare competition. Having a hard limit of 48h (or 72, depending on the event) to create game from scratch, is a very challenging task.

Ghosty game - work in progress

Topics of this blog

The main topics of this blog are engine and game development. My pet project is a game with top-down perspective mixing various games into the one.

The engine itself is written in C++ using SFML library as a OpenGL and system wrapper. For physics system I've chosen Box2D as it's simple enough to work with. For a scripting language I use Lua. These technologies will be shown in my articles for sure.

When I don't do any gamedev, I play some indie games. My favourite genres are roguelikes, top down shooters and platformers. If I find anything intresting, reviews will be added here as well.

Reason to write

There is no progress without training. The main reason is to improve my english writting skills. Creating doxygen/code documentation (especially when you work with people from Asia) is one thing as you need to write as simple as possible to be easily understood. Passing your thoughts into a web article is something completely different.

What else to find here

The previous blog under this domain was made to group my ASCII-arts in a single place. I don't want them to disappear in the vastness of web archives as they are part of me. Altough I don't draw them anymore as my current interests are pixel and low poly arts, the amount of arts that I created is kind of big and I want them to be here.

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